Obstacles can do two things in our lives. They can beat us down and make us into a resentful, selfish villain – always complaining about what we didn’t get, grabbing for whatever we can take from the world. Or challenges can make us Hero Minded – as we leap over them and build our strengths and empathy.
It’s always our choice. Continue reading How to Find Your Super Powers Fighting the Villains of the World to Achieve Strength →
How many times are we confronted with a decision or asked to take an action and the first thought that enters our brain is “What’s in it for me?” Continue reading What’s in it for me? How to answer your inner villain →
Through the ages, we developed physically and socially with a villain and a hero within ourselves. How did this happen? Continue reading What is Hero Minded? The battle between our two natures and how we can all win →
Essential Training for a Better World